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The /etc/shadow file must not have an extended ACL.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-22340 GEN001430 SV-26441r1_rule ECLP-1 Medium
The /etc/shadow file contains the list of local system accounts. It is vital to system security and must be protected from unauthorized modification. The file also contains password hashes which must not be accessible to users other than root.
HP-UX 11.23 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2013-03-28


Check Text ( C-36357r3_chk )
Verify /etc/shadow has no extended ACL.
# ls -lL /etc/shadow

If the permissions include a "+", the file has an extended ACL, this is a finding.

If the /etc/shadow file does not exist and the system is in Trusted Mode, this is not a finding. To verify Trusted Mode:
# ls -lLR /tcb/files/auth/[a-z,A-Z]*

The TCB file(s) should exist and must not have extended ACLs.
Fix Text (F-31693r2_fix)
Switch the system to Trusted Mode via:
# tsconvert

Or alternatively, HP-SMH, the SAM replacement may be used to perform the same task.
# smh